Camping during the colder months has considerable benefits. Snuggles by the campfire, fewer bugs and insects, fewer concerns about sun protection and shade demands, and longer hours to sleep at night.
However extremely cold weather can occur in a snap, and when the temperature drops unexpectedly, every camper needs to be prepared. We share with you our tips for camping in the cold, divulging the best camper secrets for keeping warm. Helping you to avoid the chill and get a comfortable night’s sleep.
Invest In Adequate Bedding
The middle of the night is when you’re most likely to feel the cold and experience the effects of low temperatures. The best type of bedding to take camping is an all-season sleeping bag. On that holds the warmth on cold nights yet breathes enough for the summer months.
The better quality sleeping bags usually withstand all-weather camping. However, if you’re unsure, the packaging will specify what temperatures it will suit. Knowing the highest and lowest temperatures at your campsite ahead of packing will help you choose the right sleeping bag. Preparing for the weather conditions may require warmer bedding than your existing option.
Insulate Yourself During The Night
There are some extremely effective ways to warm your tent at night that won’t break the bank. These approaches are easy to implement and can be worked into your existing camping routine.
First is a hot water bottle, available at any chemist or department store. You can fill this quickly from the camp stove kettle if you boil it just before bed. Hot water bottles are easily removed from your sleeping bag once you get too warm. Making them ideal to control the temperature to your individual needs.

Secondly, the closer you are to the ground, the more likely you are to feel the chill. As you set up your campsite and erect your tent, put a layer between your tent and the ground. Ideally with something waterproof like a tarp. The added insulation will help you stay warm while you camp and improve the longevity of your tent.
Also consider adding another layer between your swag and the floor of the tent. Most outdoor lifestyle stores will have a great range of sleeping pads which you can use to further insulate your sleeping surface.
Go To Bed Warmed Up
Warming yourself in a tent can take a long time. Speed up the process by raising your internal body temperature first. Anything from star jumps to a short jog around the campsite will get your blood flowing and give you much-needed warmth quickly.
Spending time in front of the fire, in warm, dry clothing will also help to maintain your body heat. Though it may be tempting to stay in your clothes from the day, dry clothing will help you retain the heat better. Damp clothing will eventually dry and actually make you feel colder.
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