September Photo of The Month Gallery
Thank you to everyone who entered the September Photo of the Month Contest and Gallery! We were amazed by some of the great adventure photos posted!
We had another massive response to POTM, with hundreds of photos being submitted from all across Australia!
Congratulations to our September winner, who received 71 votes on their photo! Well done to our runner up winners who submitted some amazing adventure shots. Enjoy your prizes!
The October Photo of the Month contest has now begun and we have another $150 BCF gift card lined up for the winner! Three people will win runner up prizes, selected by the OneAdventure team. Head over to the October competition post and post your photo now to enter! We look forward to seeing your photo in the next gallery – and potentially as the winning photo ?
Thanks again to everyone who has participated in Photo of The Month and shared adventure photos with our community. Stay safe and may the spirit of adventure be always with you.
September Winner