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4 Best Fishing Spots Townsville

It’s no secret that Australia has some of the best fishing spots in the world.

We’re spoiled for choice when it comes to beautiful locations that are teeming with fishing. It’s no wonder then that fishing is one one the most popular recreational activities in Australia. But with so many options, where do you decide to dip your line? Easy. Even among world-class fishing, Townsville stands out as having some of the best fishing spots in Australia.

Townsville is a coastal city located in northeastern Queensland. It boasts a vast array of beautiful and lush surrounds that delight the senses. With tropical islands and lush rainforests, Townsville is a fantastic place to explore.

You can immerse yourself in the beautiful scenery that Queensland has to offer. Having grown into a coastal metropolis, Townsville is a wonderful spot to spend some time taking in the sights and indulging in some of the best fishing that Australia has to offer.

Want to know more? Take a look at some of the best fishing spots in Townsville to wet a line.

1. North Cardinal

North Cardinal is one of the most overlooked fishing spots just outside of Townsville. It’s an offshore fishing location that requires a boat to get to. North Cardinal is approximately 10nm from the Townsville harbour boat ramp.

Being the only obvious structure in the immediate area, the marker pylon can attract massive shoals of fish, including herring and scad. Plan for a full day out on the water to really make the most of this spot.

The sea can get quite choppy with winds above 10-15nm. Always check your conditions before you head out for the day.

2. Alligator Creek Fishing Spot

Located just south of Townsville, Alligator Creek is a fantastic spot to go fishing in the warmer months. The hotter temperatures bring in plenty of fish to make it worth a day trip.

Alligator Creek is often muddy so bright and easy to see lures work best here. Some of the more prolific fish found here include Barramundi, Dusky flathead, Grunter, Mangrove Jack and southern black bream.

3. Ross River

ross river fishing townsville

Flowing right through the heart of Townsville, the Ross River is a must-visit fishing location. Suitable for both land and boat fishing, Ross River is the perfect place to go if you’re looking to catch some Barramundi.

Look for the rock walls and jetty at the mouth of the river. They provide some fantastic places to cast your lures for all types of fish. You can even throw your lines over several of the bridges that span the river’s length.

Be sure to check for signs that you are allowed to fish in your chosen spot as some areas are off-limits to fishing.

4. Crocodile Creek

A firm favourite among Townsville locals, Crocodile Creek can be found just south of Alligator Creek. Catching the right tides here is key to hauling in a good catch so be sure to check these before you leave. With everything from deeper holes, open flats, a deep bottom and good structure to the creek, you’re sure to have a good day fishing.

Remember that it’s called Crocodile Creek for a reason; always fish with a clear view of the water in front of you.

Can you fish on Magnetic Island?

magnetic island fishing

For anyone lucky enough to spend some time on Magnetic Island, you’re in luck. Magnetic Island is packed full of beautiful bays, all with unique features. Of the 23 different bays, 14 of them can be fished. The other 9 are Green Zone protected bays. These protected bays are the perfect spots to go snorkelling, so be sure to explore them if you have the chance.

Always consult a zoning map so you know where you can and cannot fish on Magnetic Island.

Take advantage of all that Townsville has to offer!

There’s no doubt that Townsville has some world-class fishing spots for you to explore. With great locations that range from creeks and rivers to the open ocean, you’re sure to find somewhere that resonates with your fishing style.

A great perk of fishing in Townsville and the greater Queensland state is that you don’t need a recreational fishing license. So, with nothing in your way, why not head out and see what fish you can wrangle up? You’re sure to have an absolute stunner of a day partaking in Australia’s favourite pastime.

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